April 30, 2009

Visit Our NEW Social Network for Pet Parents

Welcome to the SAPPY Pet Loss & Grief Support Group of San Antonio blogspot. This year will mark six years since we've started our pet loss support group. We are happy to share our new online social network, "Tribute to Tails: A Candlelight Memorial Honoring the Pets in Our Lives." This new site is just one more way of celebrating those special four-legged furry friends who made a HUGE difference in our lives. We will never forget them, nor the fun and loving memories we made together!

This year, we will sponsor our 7th Annual Tribute to Tails Candlelight Memorial on Saturday, December 5 at 2 p.m. at St. Francis Episcopal Church, San Antonio, TX. We hope to see you there!

Please take time to visit our social network online. Simply click on this link,
http://tributetotailssanantonio.ning.com/ and join us today!

Be blessed,
Julie :)

Visit Our NEW Social Network for Pet Parents
