July 21, 2008

Buddy finds a home

Two Paws Up to Rescue Team

Buddy finally found the home he always dreamed of. He often dreamed of a time when he would sleep in a warm bed, eat good food and be protected from dangerous diseases by getting vaccinated. His dream came true through Marissa and Derrick; and through the assistance of Frank and Maureen.

It all happened when Marissa, Julie and Christin, were driving and running errands one weekend. They spotted Buddy tied to a fence - no tags and no one around. The three ladies passed him by and wondered if maybe he belong to someone, so they went their way. After several hours, they drove by again to see if Buddy was still there. He was.

So, they hopped out of their car and discovered that he was indeed abandoned. They untied him from the link chained fence where he was poorly tied. His collar was broken and he was unbelievably matted. Poor boy! This was no doubt a VERY cruel act by some selfish human. We took him home, bathed him and fed him.

Marissa and Derrick adopted him and Frank and Maureen funded his vaccines and neuter surgery. Today, he's the HAPPIEST dog on the face of this earth. He's a success story and a prayer answered. His dream came true! He loves to play catch and loves kissing his mommy and daddy. He is one blessed pooch.

Thank you, Marissa, Derrick, Frank and Maureen for Stepping Up! Two paws up to YOU! You made one four-legged furry friend's life much better. God bless you for reaching out to him.

In Memory of Max - July 24, 2002


My boy,my powerful boy.
You were born an original and died that way.

Long days have passed since you have been gone.

I know you are with me and
when my time comes I pray
you will be one of the first to
to greet me...

We who choose to surround
ourselves with lives even more
temporary than our own,live within a fragile circle...

Love, your mommy, Boni.
In Memory of Max
July 24, 2002 (Gone to Rainbow Bridge)